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Tuesday, 6 December 2016


LinkedIn Public Profile | Domain Name
Forwarding | Domain Redirect
So, you’ve purchased your own domain name
yourname . com and want to associate that
with your public LinkedIn profile. This can be
done with Domain Forwarding tools . They
should be available to you in your account with
your domain & host supplier.
However, it should be noted that associating
your personal URL with your LinkedIn profile
Can only be done as a vanity exercise ,
since LinkedIn prevent permanent
masking (or cloaking) of their address.
This means that typing yourname . com
in the address bar of a browser will
direct traffic to your LinkedIn address,
but the messy LinkedIn address that
you want to replace will still be shown
in the address bar once that page is
Your LinkedIn profile may be removed
from Google searches if you use the
cloaking mechanism for re-direction.
(See the paragraph entitled Quality
guidelines – specific guidelines on
Google’s Webmaster Guidelines Page)
The message here is don’t use any sort of
masking or cloaking technique when
associating your domain with LinkedIn.
If you still wish to proceed and use your
domain name for vanity reasons (because it’s
easier for other people to remember & it’s
Log in to your domain account and select your
domain name, yourname. com
Look for an option similar to DNS Tools, Web
Forward or Domain Forwarding
Select that option.
Under Domain Forwarding , you will have the
option to enter the destination Web Address
(URL) that you would like your domain name
to point to. Enter your LinkedIn public profile
address there.
www. yourname. com > Forward
to: {paste your LinkedIn public address here}
If there is an option to Cloak or Mask, do not
select it.
Make a second entry under Sub Domain
Forwarding, leaving off the www before your
domain name:
yourname . com >
Forward to: {paste your LinkedIn public
address here}
Again, do not select any Cloaking or Masking
Save the changes and wait a few hours for
the DNS active records to update across the
global network.
After a few hours, typing www . yourname .
com or yourname . com into the address bar
of your browser should take you to the URL
you specified.
The Effects of Cloaking / Masking a
It prevents the destination address (URL) from
displaying in the browser’s address bar. This
means that
www . yourname . com will always be
displayed in the address bar – even though
you’re accessing your LinkedIn page at http: //
uk . linkedin .com / in / yourname
This causes chaos in most browsers because
the destination page is displayed in a hidden
‘frame’ to conceal its original attributes, such
as it’s web address. And certainly, LinkedIn
pages do not want to be displayed in this
The Firefox browser will display a blank white
screen, for example.
The Opera browser is more specific and
produces this error:
The website does not permit
its content to be displayed
in a frame. It must be
displayed in a separate
However, the Chrome browser seems to
handle the redirection with aplomb.
It is best not to cloak or mask when domain
forwarding to prevent these errors and your
page not being shown.
At best then, your personalized domain name
can only be used as a vanity URL when
associating it with your LinkedIn profile page.

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